Social Listening

Fenty x Puma The value this brand holds is that it's ran by pop star Rihanna. The value proposition it has as a brand is to provide the most comfortable yet fashionable clothing through Puma's company. Rihanna gives her own touch to the clothing and shoes, by making it remarkable and unique. She promotes her clothing by wearing it and showing it off on social media. Since Rihanna is seen as a cultural icon to a lot of people, being exposed to this on the media is the way she markets her brand. A lot of celebrities also wear her clothing and/or support it. For example, Kanye West tweeted this: Some consumers have even posted on twitter how they would go broke for FentyxPuma. Others have to disagree and think some of the products she comes out with are ridiculous. The new collection she has been promoting will drop May 3rd. It includes new sneakers, boots, race car themed clothing, and much more. She recently posted an Instagram picture of herself wearing ...